How Pier and Beam Foundation Repair Works
If you are planning on doing any work on your home, foundation repair serving San Antonio may come first. Alternatively, you might have already noticed a problem with your foundation that led you to research general contractors who can put your mind at ease. Understanding how pier and beam foundation repair works can help you achieve a clearer idea of the structural integrity of your home as well as make an informed decision when it comes to choosing a contractor. Keep reading if you are interested in taking a closer look at how pier and beam foundation repair works.
Pier and Beam Background
Pier and beam is a specific type of foundation, and there is are specific ways to go about repairing it; fortunately repairing a pier and beam foundation is typically less invasive than repairing a concrete slab. If you are a homeowner with this type of foundation, you might encounter a problem regarding the soil under the foundation or the construction of the foundation itself. The soil under the foundation might be affected by poor drainage, which can cause the soils to crack, or the foundation might have been built on cedar piers that have deteriorated. In either case, the repair is geared towards making the foundation stronger.
Shoring Technique
If the walls of your foundation have begun to crack, then they are likely dealing with the maximum amount of stress that they can withstand. When this is the case, your foundation repair team can use shoring techniques to bolster the strength of your foundation. Adding new treated beams and/or floor joists can allow your foundation to support the additional weight without cracking or sustaining further damage. The extra support will also grant more surface area to your footing, further addressing the issue.
Installation and Strengthening
Although it is helpful, shoring is not always a sufficient solution to a damaged pier and beam foundation. Your foundation repair specialists can also use new monolithic piers to level out your foundation and bring your home or office back to a pre-damaged state. The foundation repair team will use new monolithic piers to correct the elevation differentials.
What You Need to Know About Drainage Issues
Have you noticed that your lawn is filled with puddles or even deep pools of water after it rains? If so, there’s a good chance that you have poor drainage on your property. This can lead to a series of problems, including the need for foundation repair. You should think about having waterproofing near San Antonio done so that water isn’t able to harm your home. You should also fix your drainage so that water doesn’t ruin your yard. Here is what you need to know about drainage issues.
Drainage issues might be the result of compacted soil in your yard.
When water pools on top of your yard as opposed to penetrating down through your soil, it’s often because the soil is very compacted. This will prevent the water from getting into it and, instead of being absorbed into the soil, rainwater will simply sit on top of it. Aerating your lawn is one way to try and stop drainage from becoming a problem. However, if you aerate your lawn and still have an issue, you may need to consider installing a drainage system that allows for your yard to drain water more effectively.
Drainage issues can affect your home’s foundation.
If water is pooling in your yard, you might think it’s not a big deal. After all, as long as it evaporates eventually, there’s no harm in having water in your yard, right? Wrong. If the water sits too close to your home and comes into contact with your foundation, it can actually seep into it and cause everything from cracks to mold. You will almost certainly need to hire a contractor to come and do foundation repair if you don’t fix your drainage.
Drainage issues can be fixed in many different ways.
There are a handful of things you can do to try and fix your drainage issues. From checking your gutters and downspouts to make sure they are moving water away from your home to having a French drain installed near your home where water gathers, you can improve your drainage and protect your home’s foundatio
Choosing a Foundation in San Antonio, TX
When you are building a home, one of the most important decisions you will need to make is what type of foundation to use. Before you do, consider whether a concrete slab foundation or pier and beam foundation will work best for you. Watch this video to see which type of foundation you should have your contractor in San Antonio install.
When making your decision, think about the possibility of having to do foundation repair in the future. A concrete slab foundation is cheaper to install than a pier and beam foundation initially, but it will be much easier to repair a pier and beam foundation later. You should also have a contractor take a look at your lot to see which foundation might make the most sense for your home. Be sure you’re making the right choice before you start building your foundation.
A Texan’s Guide to Home Foundations
There are many homeowners in Texas who are forced to call for San Antonio foundation repair as a result of problems with their home foundations. This is due in large part to the clay soil that many homes in the area are built on. The soil will often fill with water over time and then dry out, which will ultimately cause your home’s foundation to sink. You will need to have a company that does foundation repair serving San Antonio to help you with it. Check out some other things you should know about your home’s foundation.
The Causes of Foundation Problems
Clay soil is just one of the things that can cause the need for foundation repair. You may also need to have foundation repair done if you have a concrete slab foundation that was not installed properly. A concrete slab foundation should be laid on top of limestone to avoid issues. If a contractor doesn’t put it on top of limestone or fails to prepare the site of your home properly by removing loose soil and tree roots, your foundation may shift or sink in the future.
The Signs of Foundation Problems
If you have a foundation problem, you will be able to identify it by looking for the signs of one. Cracks in interior and exterior walls, unlevel floors, and sticky windows and doors are just a few of the signs that will indicate the need for foundation repair. As your foundation shifts, your home will have trouble keeping up with it and will begin to show these signs on the inside and outside of your house.
The Repairs for Foundation Problems
One of the most effective ways to fix a faulty foundation is to install a pier and beam foundation . Piers will be driven down to the hard rock deep below your home and beams will be used to connect the piers and hold your home up. It’s an effective way to deal with any foundation issues you may encounter. Draining water away from your home can also prevent further problems in the future.
Should You Consider Lintel Repair Services?
Have you noticed cracking and sagging taking place towards the top of a garage, window, or doorway that has bricks, stones, or another material above it? If so, you may need to have a foundation repair company come to your home to offer lintel repair services. MitchCo Foundation Repair is experienced with foundation repair serving San Antonio and can also send someone to do lintel repair for you.
A lintel is a structural support that is installed between two vertical supports whenever you are having something like bricks or stones put up. The lintel is designed to help provide support for the structure, but over time, it can begin to break down. When this happens, a foundation repair company needs to perform lintel repair to avoid a collapse from happening. A contractor can repair your lintels for you so that cracking and sagging don’t continue to take place. When you call on MitchCo Foundation Repair for help with your lintels, we will make sure they are fixed and strong again so that you don’t need to worry about experiencing any other problems with them.
Do You Have a Drainage Disaster Brewing?
If you have water pooling around the outside of your home every single time it rains, you are likely putting your entire house at risk and guaranteeing that you will need to have foundation repair done in the future. MitchCo Foundation Repair specializes in drainage correction serving San Antonio and can prevent your poor drainage from becoming a huge problem.
There are many different ways to eliminate drainage problems and prevent the need for foundation repair. For example, by simply installing a French drain near the area where water pools in your yard, you can transport it away from your home’s foundation. You can also have interior and exterior basement waterproofing done to stop water from seeping into your home. Slope correction, grading, and trenching are some of the other methods that we use regularly to help homeowners improve their drainage. When you call on MitchCo Foundation Repair for drainage correction, we will come to your home, inspect your property, and come up with a solution that will stop water from pooling in your yard.
All About Foundation Repair in San Antonia, TX
If your home’s foundation is not strong or the soil underneath of your home is causing your foundation to shift, you may begin to experience many problems with your home. Cracks in your interior and exterior walls and uneven floors are signs that you need foundation repair . Watch this video to learn how general contractors in San Antonio can fix your problem.
Foundation repair involves digging holes on the outside of your home in order to access your foundation. A company like MitchCo Foundation Repair can send a contractor to you to dig down to examine your foundation and then install piers and beams that will hold your foundation up and prevent it from shifting or sinking. Fix your foundation issues as soon as they start, and you will not experience any dramatic changes in the structure of your home anytime soon.
Getting to Know MitchCo Foundation Repair
Having foundation repair done on your home is a very important step for any homeowner, so you should only trust the very best to get it done. MitchCo Foundation Repair has more than three decades worth of experience with foundation repair serving San Antonio and can make sure your foundation is strong and secure for years to come.
When most people hear the words “foundation repair,” they immediately begin worrying about the cost associated
with it and the disruption it will cause in their lives. When you work with us, we guarantee to give you the best deal possible, and we will see to it that we complete repairs on your home as quickly as we can. We stand behind the work that our general contractors do and, as a third generation foundation repair business, we know that you will be satisfied with our attention to detail. When you trust MitchCo Foundation Repair with your home’s foundation, you can be sure it will be stable when we are finished with it.
Identifying the Signs of a Foundation Problem
Dealing with foundation problems and foundation repair can be a huge headache for homeowners. However, if you are able to catch the small issues that you may be having with your foundation before they turn into bigger issues, you can save yourself time and money. Before you call a company to have them provide you with an estimate for a pier and beam foundation repair near San Antonio, take a look around your home for these signs of a foundation problem.
Doors in your home don’t latch properly or won’t close all the way.
If your foundation has shifted over time, it will make it difficult for you to close some doors in your home. When a shift takes place, it throws off the alignment of doors so that they don’t line up properly anymore. This is one of the easiest ways to tell that you need to have foundation repair done.
Cracks begin to appear over the doorways and windows in your home.
Have you started to see cracks randomly appearing over doorways and windows? It’s not because you shut them too hard or anything like that. Rather, these cracks are likely appearing because of the foundation of your home. If you notice them getting worse over time, you should call a foundation company immediately to have a contractor assess your home’s foundation.Tiles that have been placed over a concrete floor crack.
If the tiles were just installed and they’re cracking, there’s a chance it’s happening because of installation was not done properly. But if you have had the tiles in place for a while now and they’re cracking, it could be a sign that your foundation is shifting .Windows no longer open and close as easily as they once did.
Much like your doorways, your windows will be affected quite a bit by a shifting foundation. If they no longer close easily or, worse, they stick and won’t budge more often than not, you likely have a foundation issue. You should speak with a contractor and have him or her take a closer look at the problem. -
All About Lintel Repair by Mitchco Foundation Repair
Have you ever wondered why the building materials that are used above large openings in walls that are created for windows or doors don’t collapse? Probably not. Most homeowners don’t give much thought to it, but the materials that sit over these openings are supported by structures called lintels. These lintels are designed to hold up the top of the opening and to add an aesthetic value to your home. However, every now and then, you will need a San Antonio foundation repair company to come fix a lintel for you. Here is how a contractor in San Antonio will do it.
Identifying the Problem With Your Lintel
Lintels can be made out of a variety of different materials, including wood, stone, concrete, and steel, and you need to know what to look for when you are looking for potential problems with each of them. For example, wood lintels can rot over time or crack, while iron or steel lintels can warp, bend, or rust. A foundation repair company can take a look at your lintels if you notice that the area above an opening is sagging or on the brink of collapsing to see what the problem might be.
Choosing a New Lintel
If you do have an issue with your existing lintel, you will need to have a contractor replace it for you. You will also need to choose what type of lintel you would like to install based on your needs. If your home has foundation problems, you might want to steer clear of a concrete or stone lintel since they tend to crack more easily than other lintels. Steel might end up being your best option since these lintels offer great structural support and are easier to install than other lintel types.
Installing Your Lintel
After you have identified the problem and picked out a new lintel, a contractor can usually install your selection in a relatively short amount of time. You will add the support you need to your opening and prevent problems in the future with your new lintel.
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- waterproofing services
- home foundations
- Drainage Correction services
- Sagging Lintels
- Lintel Repair
- Drooping Lintels
- Drain Installation
- Foundation Damage
- Poor Water Drainage
- Concrete flatwork installation