Your Trusted Foundatin Repair Expert in San Antonio, TX
When you are in need of quality foundation repair serving San Antonio, you should look no further than MitchCo Foundation Repair. Our foundation repair company has served the San Antonio area for more than three decades, and we will be thrilled to help you restore your home’s foundation to fantastic condition. There are several advantages to trusting our general contractors with your drainage correction or foundation repair services. For example, we will perform a full site assessment of your soil and tailor a repair plan to your specific needs. Additionally, with our helpful payment plans, you can get started on your foundation repairs right away. To learn more about the benefits of working with MitchCo Foundation Repairs, watch this video.
A Look at Pier and Beam Foundations
When you build a home, there are several different foundation designs your builder can choose to implement. A pier and beam foundation is a common type of foundation, particularly in older homes. This construction design uses a combination of piers, which are anchored in the ground beneath your home, and beams, which run the length and width of your home, to essentially support the structure of your home without requiring it to rest directly on the dirt beneath it. Pier and beam foundations are an older design, but still remain popular because of their simplicity and their stability, particularly in areas where the ground contains a significant percentage of expansive clay. While a well-built pier and beam foundation should experience few problems, aging or poorly-designed pier and beam foundations may develop problems that require foundation repair. If you think your home may need pier and beam foundation repair near San Antonio, this work should always be performed by a contractor experienced with pier and beam foundation construction and repair to ensure that repairs are completed properly to protect your home and your foundation from further damage.
Spotting the Signs that You Need Drainage Correction
If you have a flooded basement or front yard, it is obvious that you need drainage correction near San Antonio . However, some drainage problems are not as easy to identify as signs that you need drainage correction. Here is a look at some of the more subtle signs that you should investigate your drainage correction, waterproofing, and foundation repair options.
Cracks in Your Foundation
Your foundation will develop small, almost unnoticeable cracks over time, as the house settles into the foundation. However, if you discover larger cracks, particularly ones that keep growing, you may have a serious problem. Cracks that continue to widen could be the result of a drainage problem that is ruining your foundation. You should contact a general contractor or waterproofing expert for an inspection of your foundation. Your general contractor may recommend foundation repair, waterproofing your basement, and drainage correction to reduce your risk of further problems.
Mold in Your Attic
Surprisingly, the growth of mold in your attic can be related to drainage problems at your home’s foundation. Moisture in your basement or crawlspace can gradually travel upwards through your home, eventually gathering on the underside of your roof. If you don’t catch the problem early enough, your roof can develop serious structural problems. Exposure to mold growth can also contribute to or exacerbate serious health problems. Your general contractor might suggest interior basement waterproofing and exterior basement waterproofing to prevent moisture and condensation buildup. He may also recommend a French drain installation to divert storm water away from your foundation.
Deposits and Water Stains on Walls
If you notice water stains high up on your foundation walls or basement walls, water may be infiltrating the foundation via an overflowing storm gutter. If water stains extend around the perimeter of the basement in a line, it may be caused by a fluctuating water table, or storm drainage backup. White or gray deposits on your basement walls are signs that water and moisture are trapped within the walls. A contractor can perform drainage correction and a French drain installation to prevent these problems from reoccurring.
Common Issues with Pier and Beam Foundations
If your home was built using a pier and beam foundation , there are some common issues that you may be forced to deal with over the years. Fortunately, these issues can be fixed by working with a company that understands how to address problems with your pier and beam foundation in San Antonio. But you will need to contact them at the first sign of trouble in order to prevent bigger problems that could compromise the strength of your foundation. Check out some of the issues that occur with pier and beam foundations.
Sagging Floors
Do your floors feel like they are uneven? If you rely on a pier and beam foundation, you probably aren’t just imagining it. As your home settles into the soil beneath it, the piers used to hold it up can sink unevenly, and it will cause the floors in your home to be uneven. Fortunately, you can have pier and beam foundation repair done and fix this issue rather easily. A foundation repair company will usually install shims or other foundation supports to your home’s foundation to make everything inside of it level again.
Cracking Piers
The piers that are used in a pier and beam foundation are not meant to last forever. Due to age or the environment, concrete piers can crack and, when they do, they will often cause problems for homeowners. If you suspect that your concrete piers might be collapsing, you should reach out to a foundation repair company right away to have an inspection of your foundation completed. That company will be able to adjust your concrete piers or replace them, if necessary.
Mold and Mildew
Because of the way that pier and beam foundations are constructed, moisture can work its way into the wooden beams and joists that are used under your home. It will sometimes lead to mold and mildew growing, and it will also take a toll on the wood and cause it to rot. By replacing any wood affected by excessive moisture, you can keep your pier and beam foundation strong.
What You Need to Know About Drainage Issues
Have you noticed that your lawn is filled with puddles or even deep pools of water after it rains? If so, there’s a good chance that you have poor drainage on your property. This can lead to a series of problems, including the need for foundation repair. You should think about having waterproofing near San Antonio done so that water isn’t able to harm your home. You should also fix your drainage so that water doesn’t ruin your yard. Here is what you need to know about drainage issues.
Drainage issues might be the result of compacted soil in your yard.
When water pools on top of your yard as opposed to penetrating down through your soil, it’s often because the soil is very compacted. This will prevent the water from getting into it and, instead of being absorbed into the soil, rainwater will simply sit on top of it. Aerating your lawn is one way to try and stop drainage from becoming a problem. However, if you aerate your lawn and still have an issue, you may need to consider installing a drainage system that allows for your yard to drain water more effectively.
Drainage issues can affect your home’s foundation.
If water is pooling in your yard, you might think it’s not a big deal. After all, as long as it evaporates eventually, there’s no harm in having water in your yard, right? Wrong. If the water sits too close to your home and comes into contact with your foundation, it can actually seep into it and cause everything from cracks to mold. You will almost certainly need to hire a contractor to come and do foundation repair if you don’t fix your drainage.
Drainage issues can be fixed in many different ways.
There are a handful of things you can do to try and fix your drainage issues. From checking your gutters and downspouts to make sure they are moving water away from your home to having a French drain installed near your home where water gathers, you can improve your drainage and protect your home’s foundatio
See MitchCo Foundation Repair on San Antonio Living
Did you know that your home’s foundation could be putting the rest of your house in jeopardy right now? If it is, you can have foundation repair done to fix the problem and to keep your home structurally sound. Watch this video to hear about how MitchCo Foundation Repair can offer you help with foundation repair in San Antonio .
There are many signs that could indicate the need for foundation repair. For example, if you have noticed cracks in your interior or exterior walls, it could be an indication that you need foundation repair. Doors that won’t close all the way and windows that won’t open easily are also signs of trouble. To fix them, you should have a contractor from a foundation repair company like MitchCo Foundation Repair come to your home today to take a look at your foundation and assess any possible damage.
Spotlight On Drainage Correction
Not all houses are designed to efficiently relocate water to a safe location, and this leads to serious problems and costly repairs for many homeowners. Fortunately these individuals can seek drainage correction and waterproofing near San Antonio to alleviate these concerns and enjoy the peace of mind that they deserve. Your professional drainage correction team can help you preserve the integrity of your concrete by removing excess water and moisture from the foundation of your home. Read on as we put the spotlight on drainage correction.
Water that pools around the foundation of your home can quickly find its way inside your home. When moisture is
allowed to sit within the walls of your basement or the floors of your living room, complications such as structural damage and mold growth may develop over time. Your drainage correction professionals can redirect water from the foundation of your home to a safer location where it will not cause any damage. Your team of specialists can perform a range of drainage correction services including French drains, grading, swells, and basement waterproofing. These techniques will keep water from entering your living space and hindering your home’s indoor air quality and structural soundness.
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- home foundations
- Drainage Correction services
- Sagging Lintels
- Lintel Repair
- Drooping Lintels
- Drain Installation
- Foundation Damage
- Poor Water Drainage
- Concrete flatwork installation